Is Winter Over?

Hey all, it’s been a minute! I feel it’s still winter here in Spain, the heating has been turned off but it’s still cold, I always forget how cold April can be! It’s sunny and blue skies today, but only 8ยบ, and was -4 early this morning. Gone are the days of -12 I think, haven’t seen it that cold this year. I remember when I first arrived here many moons ago it was around -15!
If it’s still cold where you are, click on the “Shop” tab and check out the winter gear, exclusive branding and all!

Haven’t been playing music for a while, just getting back into it now, did a new cover yesterday, you can see it on the front page of this site, or my YouTube channel, (go and subscribe by the way, if you haven’t already! it all helps! leave a like, comment etc..) and working on some new, original material, so keep checking out the site to see what’s new!

Wanna support The Online Busker? Easy! You can click “Donate” on the front page, and 50% of your donation will go towards global stroke charities, or you can check out the shop, and buy some winter gear, or you can just buy me a beer if you want! You can even check out my Amazon Wishlist! Many thanks to all who get involved!

Peace and love

The Online Busker.

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