Hi all, so here we are in the midst of terrible times. There is a worldwide virus and too many people are just not taking it seriously. There is a video around somewhere, an Italian guy saying “I wish I had known this 10 days ago”. WATCH IT!
The most important thing we can ALL do now is STAY HOME. Don’t go to the pub, gym, bloody hairdressers or anywhere else that is not a necessity!
It’s so easy to stay at home. Here’s what I’ve got going on….(and lots more)

Stuck for ideas?? Play with your cat/dog, read a book! Write a book! Learn that harmonica someone bought you for Christmas, try a new recipe, bake a new cake, or bake scones! I’ll be doing that!! Got a guitar hanging around the house that you never got round to trying? Do it now! Watch a series or two, or three, film, whatever. Got a laptop or tablet with Skype? Call someone you haven’t spoken to for ages! Take an online lesson in something new, learn a new skill!
There are a plethora of things to do at home. TIDY UP!! (Just kidding). Most important of all STAY THE F@#K HOME!!!!!! LET’S BEAT THIS THING TOGETHER!
Let me know where you are and what you’re doing! I hope you’re safe!
Peace and love to all.
– The Online Busker.